Prices of Dental Interventions
Aesthetic Fillings:
1st class: 26 000 HUF
2nd class:
MO/OD: 33 000 HUF
MOD: 38 000 HUF
3rd class: 26 000 HUF
4th class: 30 000 HUF
Direkthéj: 50 000 HUF
5th class: 26 000 HUF
Special cavity: 40 000 HUF
Cofferdam: 7 000 HUF
Core build up:
Light-hardening: 45 000 HUF
Inlay preparation:
PRÉS: 80 000 HUF
KOMP.: 70 000 HUF
Fiber post placement: 20 000 HUF
Temporary filling: 7 000 HUF
Trephination: 10 000 HUF
Instrumental calibration: 2 000 HUF
Root canal expansion: 12 000 HUF / canal
Gyökércsatorna gépi feltágítása: 20 000 HUF / canal
Root canal sealing with medication: 4 000 HUF / canal
Laser treatment: 10 000 HUF / canal
Root canal filling: 20 000 HUF / one canal
26 000 HUF / two canals
32 000 HUF / three canals
36 000 HUF / four canals
Removal of root filling: 13 000 HUF / canal
Internal teeth whitening: 13 000 HUF / tooth
MTA: 18 000 HUF
Endo stump construction: 10 000 HUF
Microscopic diagnostics: 25 000 HUF
Vitálamputáció: 50 000 HUF - 100 000 HUF
Dental prosthesis:
Ceramic crown, pontic: 70 000 HUF
Zirconium crown, pontic: 83 000 HUF
Press ceramic crowns: 85 000 HUF
Implantátumra készülő esztétikus felépítmény: 175 000 HUF
Adhesive luting procedure: 12 000 HUF
Permanent cementation: 9 000 HUF
Removing crowns: 5 000 HUF
Abutment: 25 000 HUF
Temporary crown: surgical/technical: 10 000 HUF / 15 000 HUF
Relining: 50 000 HUF
Complete denture: 195 000 HUF
BPS protézis / állcsont: 320 000 Ft
Denture base: 35 000 HUF
Metal frame denture: 85 000 HUF
Hidden anchorage:
Precision attachment: 60 000 HUF
Telescope: 60 000 HUF
Artificial denture: 10 000 HUF
Individual tray: 12 000 HUF / piece
Biteplate: 12 000 HUF / piece
Dental impression and modeling: 15 000 HUF
Alginate impression: 8 000 HUF
Scan + minta: 35 000 Ft
Occlusal splints: 25 000 HUF
Teeth whitening rail: 25 000 HUF
IMP superstructure: Type specific
Screw-fixing: Type specific
Paediatric dentistry:
Polishing: 6 000 - 10 000 HUF
Primary tooth filling: 10 000 HUF - 20 000 HUF
Fissure sealant on primary tooth: 10 000 HUF - 15 000 HUF
Primary tooth trephination: 10 000 HUF - 20 000 HUF
Endodontic treatment of primary teeth: 8 000 - 12 000 HUF / occasion
Primary tooth extraction: 10 000 HUF - 12 000 HUF / tooth
Konzultáció / 15 perc után meghiúsult kezelés: 5 000 HUF / occasion
Consultation, X-ray, impressions: 35 000 HUF
Removable orthodontic appliance: 60 000 HUF - 85 000 HUF/ device
Activation of removable orthodontic appliance per occasion: 10 000 HUF
Fixed orthodontic appliance:
Metal braces(self-ligating bracket): 250 000 HUF / jaw
Ceramic braces: 340 000HUF / jaw
Activation of fixed orthodontic appliance per occasion: 20 000 HUF
Rögzített készülék eltávolítása, fix retainer és kivehető retenciós készülék fogívenként: 60 000 HUF
Mini implant: 50 000 HUF/ piece
Logopedic treatment:
Speech therapy treatment: 8 000 HUF / 60 minutes
Speech therapy screening (examination of interdental and lateral sigmatisms, and the mild form of paralalia): 8 000 HUF / 15 minutes
Complex pedagogical screening (examination of articulation, movement, dyslexia, dysgraphia, delayed speech development, dysphemia): 10 000 HUF / 60 minutes
Correction of reverse swallowing, development of proper swallowing: 8 000 HUF / 45 minutes
Periodontal screening:
Periodontal screening/status (half an hour): 7 000 HUF
Individual oral hygiene instruction (half an hour): 7 000 HUF
Closed curettage: 50 000 HUF / quadrant
15 000 HUF / tooth
Open flap debridement: 30 000 HUF / tooth
80 000 HUF ( +material costs) / quadrans
Gingivectomia: 20 000 HUF / tooth
Crown extension: 40 000 HUF
Subepithelial connective tissue graft: 40 000 HUF
Vestibulum plastic: 55 000 HUF
Extracoronal splinting with Fiber-splint: 12 000 HUF / tooth
Intercoronal splinting with Fiber-splint:: 15 000 HUF / tooth
Temporary splinting: 8 000 HUF / tooth
Depurálás polírozással, állcsontonként: 12 000 HUF
Laser-assisted lesion therapy: 10 000 HUF / tooth
Laser-assisted pocket therapy: 10 000 HUF / tooth
Laser - APDT treatment: 15 000 HUF / quadrans
25 000 HUF /jaw
ITop education: 15 000 HUF + gift
Frenulectomia: 33 000 HUF
Recession coverage per tooth: 75 000 HUF / tooth
Oral surgery:
Incision: 20 000 HUF
Extraction: 20 000 HUF
In complicated case: 30 000 HUF
Uncovering: 42 000 HUF
Circumcision: 20 000 HUF
Resection: 75 000 HUF
Surgical removal of third molar: 50 000 HUF – 60 000 HUF
Sinus occlusion (with extraction): 75 000 HUF
Cystectomy: 70 000 HUF
Sinus lift (closed)*: 70 000 HUF
Sinus lift (open): 90 000 HUF
Bone replacement interventions*: From 90 000 HUF
Follow-up treatment: 5 000 HUF
Medical fee of implantation: 180 000 HUF - 240 000 HUF
Medical fee of attachment of abutments: 25 000 HUF
Implantátum körüli egyedi ínyprofil kialakítása: 15 000 Ft / IMP
Implantátum eltávolítás: 35 000 - 45 000 HUF / piece
All on 4: 920 000 HUF
All on 6: 1 380 000 HUF
Implant release by creating an emergency profile: 45 000 HUF
Laser-assisted wound treatment / in the healing phase: 5 000 HUF / quadrans
Laser-assested implant release: 5 000 HUF
Intraoral recording: 5 000 HUF
OPT: 10 000 HUF
CT (full): 20 000 HUF
CT (half): 12 000 HUF
CT (quadrant): 10 000 HUF
Teeth whitening:
With treatment chosen according to the case:
*The price of the used materials is not included.